Export Market Orientation- A Comprehensive Literature Review


书籍英文名: Export Market Orientation: A Comprehensive Literature Review

书籍作者 :Mohammad Osman Gani, Anisur R. Faroque, Yoshi Takahashi

书籍简介:This book integrates the fundamental concept of international business theory, internationalization theory, and market orientation theory providing an accessible and detailed introduction to the wide array of different research field. It provides a reader with an understanding of detail explanation of market orientation from export settings. The topics addressed in this book include all the topics related to export market orientation, market orientation theories and practices, explanation of all sorts of developed empirical studies related to the field. A detailed explanation of each trend of research where each type of existing frameworks like direct, indirect (moderated or mediated), U-shaped, inverted U shape has been presented. The topics addressed in the book include main trends in terms of methodologies employed, samples used, theories applied for the research. Moreover, this book categorizes existing research based upon emerging themes in order to draw insights on under-researched areas that should be further delved into in the future. This book is highly recommended to the readers who seek an in-depth understanding of export market orientation in the field of international business.

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