The Nft Revolution – Real Estate Edition: 2 in 1 practical guide for beginners to create, buy and sell Non-fungible tokens & disruptive projects of virtual land, properties and worlds


书籍英文名: The Nft Revolution – Real Estate Edition: 2 in 1 practical guide for beginners to create, buy and sell Non-fungible tokens & disruptive projects of virtual land, properties and worlds

书籍作者 : Crypto Dukedom

书籍简介:Are you looking to discover how you can make a profit on the NFT disrupting revolution?

Did you just find out about NFTs? Do you want to jump in as a real estate agent, designer, or investor? 

Are you finding it tricky to get all the information in the same place or just utterly confusing?

If this sounds like you… then keep reading!


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