The Naked Warrior


书籍英文名:The Naked Warrior

书籍作者:Pavel Tsatsouline


Master the Secrets of The Super-Strong Using Bodyweight Exercises Only

The Graduate Course In Instant Strength Gains

“I went from 5 to 10 pullups in one week.”

“I could do one wobbly one-legged squat… [Two weeks later] I did 5 clean, butt-to-ground pistols.”

“Last night I did 15 one-arm pushups with each arm. Two months ago I couldn’t do one complete rep.”

Have you noticed—the greater a man’s skill, the more he achieves with less? And the skill of strength is no exception. From the ancient days of Greek wrestling, to the jealously guarded secrets of Chinese Kung Fu masters, to the hard men of modern spec ops, warriors and allied strongmen have developed an amazing array of skills for generating inhuman strength.


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